There’s been a lot of talk about the state of the workforce recently as the economy continues to open up and rebound from the pandemic.
It’s impossible not to notice all the ‘now hiring’ signs proliferated throughout the land. There’s promises of signing bonuses at fast food restaurants and other incentives from the businesses to entice people to apply for open jobs.
It’s a stark contrast from those of us who remember 2008 and 2009 where, in the midst of what’s being dubbed ‘the great recession,’ even low paying entry level jobs were difficult to come by, let alone family sustaining ‘good’ jobs.
Of course this recent workforce crisis we are in is compounded by many other factors, not least being the extra incentive from the federal government to earn an additional $300 / week if on unemployment compensation (UC). Also a factor is the elimination of such requirements when on UC like having to show going to interviews and attending workshops at the local CareerLinks. Though there is talk about the interview and workshop requirements coming back earlier in summer, which at least provides for some light at the end of the tunnel.
We can’t pretend these additional government benefits aren’t having an effect though, especially in the restaurant and entertainment industries where the wages weren’t exactly high to begin with, and are still being somewhat affected by the pandemic. But let’s make this black and white; if anyone can earn just as much money (or close to it) by staying home and sitting on their couch, then who wouldn’t do it?
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